CaptureITPro 3D is a real-time 3D recording – playback experience .
The three-dimensional (3D) endoscopy is an emerging tool in endoscopic surgery that provides a real-time depth perception. 3D high-definition endoscopy is technology put in medical use for high precision & high quality patient care. Recording/Playback of 3D surgeries using CaptureITPro 3D will be delivering real-time depth perception with unmatchable experience and could be instrumental in training the next generation of endoscopic surgeons.
Unmatched Experience
3D High Definition Videos
Value for Money
CaptureITPro 3D Imaging : The Best 3D Recording-Playback Software Available!
The three-dimensional (3D) endoscopy is an emerging tool in endoscopic surgery that provides a real time depth perception. Our CaptureITPro 3D software displays the live video in 3D format with the support of high resolution 3D grabber card which can be viewed through polarized 3D glasses. It supports with any 3D monitor and gives real-time experience in every frame at the time of reviewing the recorded clips. Such 3D recorded clips makes the surgeon feel easy to judge the visual depth of ulcers or tumors and thereby decreasing the risk of unnecessary damages. It supports both Single channel stereo output type as well as Dual channel signal type. 3D high definition surgical videos could be instrumental in training the next generation of endoscopic surgeons.
CaptureITPro 3D is a world-class product from AmbalSoft and it is the answer to your search for simple fast, reliable and efficient 3D video capture and image management software.

List of Features
- Very user friendly with MS Word like Ribbon UI. No learning needed.
- Displays live video and records in 3D format with Full HD resolution.
- Provides real time 3 dimensional depth perception.
- Selects preferably 3D input data based on camera input (SBS, LBL, Top–Bottom)
- User Login screen to allow access only to authenticated users.
- Inbuilt Patient-Visit-Image management feature. Multiple visits per patient allowed.
- HD support to save image/video in 1080p resolution.
- Save images in BMP/JPEG format during preview/record/playback mode.
- Intelligent quick search patient and export patient list to excel format.
- Save video in TS format with excellent video compression.
- USB/Serial port footswitch support for capture/start/stop action.
- Customizable report templates with images and prefilled text for various medical procedures.
- Easy to generate reports in seconds and save as PDF and other known formats.
- Report cropping feature saves printer black ink and cuts cost.
- Word notes feature to provide detailed procedure notes and summary reports.
- Directly Burn videos/images to DVD or CD and provide to patients for viewing.
- Easy copy patient data to USB Drive or network drive for reference.
- Export data to MS-Paint, Power point, Movie Maker and Adobe PDF Reader.
- Import images/video/Report files from USB drive or any external/network storage device.
- Useful Email feature. No need for outlook.
- Archive – Archive patients (to DVD / External HD) to clean up Disk space and retrieve from the archived media.
- Last but not least – Friendly help file and training videos.
System Requirements
User Platforms supported:
CaptureITPro 3D is compatible with the following operating systems:
Windows 10 (64bit) & Windows 11 (64bit)
Software Requirements:
DirectX Runtime (9.0c or higher) & Dot Net Framework (installed automatically if not present).
Hardware Requirements:
- Intel Core i5 or i7 Processor with 16 GB RAM
- 1TB Hard disk space for HD video recording purpose.
- 21” 3D Monitor with full HD 1080p display with Intel or NVidia graphics.
- A color printer (Deskjet or Laser printer) is required to take report printouts.
- A DVD/CD read/write enabled drive is required to write image data to DVD/CD disk. Bluray preferred for HD.
- Minimum 4 USB 2.0 ports (for Dongle, CaptureCard, Printer and footswitch).
- PCIe slot for internal 3D HD card (provided along with package)
- Internet connection is required to use Email feature and for online technical support.
Software Package Consist of:
- CaptureITPro 3D Software DVD with required prerequisites like DotNet and other tools.
- USB License Dongle.
- PCIe (internal) 3D HD video capture card .
- Connecting cables DVI / HDMI / HD-SDI cables based on 3D output from instrument.
- User Manual and Installation Guide in English.
Download Brochure
Download our “CaptureITPro 3D” brochure for viewing and/or printing. Viewing and printing the brochure requires that you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have the Reader, you can download it for free from Adobe’s website.